Post settles a $15M lawsuit against sugary cereals and will cut its healthy label claims

The popular cereal company Post Consumer Brands, maker of Raisin Bran, Bran Flakes and Great Grains, settled a $15 million lawsuit for misleading health claims, reported Food Dive. As part of its agreement, Post will no longer use the terms “no high fructose corn syrup,” “less processed,” “wholesome,” “smart,” and “nutritious” on breakfast cereals with 10 percent or more of their calories derived from sugar. People who purchased certain cereals between 2012 and 2020 may qualify for a payout from the company’s $15 million fund. The cereal company’s sugar-centered legal battles arose in 2016 due to misleading labeling about how much sugar was in its products. Shoppers looking to cut down on sugar refer to these labels to make conscious decisions, and many industry leaders have called on the FDA to define label claims such as “healthy.” 

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