What should meat production look like in the 21st century?
At The New Food Economy, we’ve learned that questions about meat production and consumption tend to have the same answer: “It’s complicated.” And yet, as journalists, we want to be able to pose the right questions with as much clarity and rigor as we can.
In that pursuit, we think your perspective is critical.
Raising Meat is taking The New Food Economy from New York City to Texas A&M, one of the most recognized academic institutions for animal science and rangeland management, located in a major livestock producing region, to learn from you, the experts. Our guests will discuss the most pressing issues, practices, and priorities that affect the meat production sector, from markets and genetics to emerging technologies and how meat is being talked about in the media. On what topics does the public need better information? What are the key areas of disagreement among the broad range of players who raise and sell meat for a living? And where can we find consensus?
Together we will expand the conversation about what it means to produce and to eat meat in America today—and what it may mean tomorrow.