Online grocery shopping snafus make for creative culinary results

As reliance on online grocery shopping continues to build during the pandemic, so have major snafus involving quantities and sizes of food items ordered. Many recent adapters to digital shopping tend to overlook the detailed product information—and it’s true that not all shopping apps boast a smooth user experience—plus, there are those folks who vastly overestimated the amount of a pantry item they’ll need. These incidents are happening everywhere, with people around the world sharing their stories across social media and blogs. Mainly they are tales of making do with a sudden over-abundance of everything, a la the proverbial lemons-to-lemonade (One research analyst wanted 20 lemons, but accidentally added a zero to make it 200). “I salted them, I sugared them, I stewed them and I juiced them,” she told The Wall Street Journal. In this author’s case, when we requested four tomatoes, we inadvertently received four pounds worth, only to try our hand at canning. Spoiler: It didn’t end well.

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